The world of Avatar: The Last Airbender first began to inspire a generation of children with its release on Nickelodeon in 2005. While it’s storyline only spanned three seasons, new shows taking place in the Avatar universe were released (The Legend of Korra), and numerous live action remakes have been created. Avatar saw a massive, renewed popularity amid the COVID-19 shutdowns in 2020 and it seems that Aang and his friends have taken the world by storm yet again.
It’s rare that a show originally created for children and teenagers sees an extreme boost in watch time fifteen years after its original network release, but it’s obvious that the themes, characters, and humor transcend not only time, but the trials and tribulations of growing up.
While a majority of Avatar: The Last Airbender viewers were kids in elementary, middle, and high school at the show’s debut, those fans have grown up and remain at the core of the fanbase for this powerful world.
The folks at CultureFly have seen the renewed passion for the Avatar universe, as well as the growth of its fandom, and have come out with a subscription box perfect for fans of any age.
The Avatar: The Last Airbender Box will be available for pre-order on October 26th, 2021 and will include 7-10 exclusive, never-before-seen, merchandise items officially licensed and approved by the Nickelodeon. This will include apparel items, houseware items, accessories, and more! Not to mention that when you subscribe to the Avatar Box, you will be ready to go to receive future boxes based around the Avatar universe four times a year!
The first box’s theme is: Book One: Water, and will center around items, characters, and storylines seen throughout the first season of Aang’s journey to become the Avatar. Follow along as he learns to master the element of Water with help from his friends Katara, Sokka, Appa, and Momo!
Be sure to subscribe to get your very own Avatar: The Last Airbender Box – You won’t want to miss out on what is sure to be a top fan favorite!